Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Wanting To Grow Down

One of my friends made an interesting comment the other day, she said that she is wanting to grow down because growing up is no fun...

Her comment got me thinking about life and about how there are so many times that I am waiting and wishing for the next stage to come quickly. When I was a child I couldn't wait to be older so I could stay up later. When I was in public school I couldn't wait to be in high school. When I was in high school I couldn't wait to go to University. While in University I couldn't wait to graduate so I could enter the 'real world' of work! ha ha. In one job I'm anxious to find another job, something more exciting and challenging. I've just bought a house with my loving boyfriend and now I can't wait for us to get engaged, I'm sure wishing for parenthood will come soon after that!

It seems that I'm always waiting and wishing for what's next to come sooner and faster than it is. Why is that? Is it because I'm bored with my current state and I'm excited for what's next ~ something new and exciting?

Many of my friends do this ~ we wish away the time. It saddens me at times when I stop and realize what I am doing because I am only here once, I only have one life to live, I should be savouring every minute, every second of my life and yet I'm wishing for it to hurry up, I'm wishing for what's next. I need to be more conscious of my tendency to do this so I can stop myself and appreciate everything that life is offering me right now. One thing that I no for certain is that I do not want to die with any regrets and I think realizing that I wished my life away would be a very big regret that I would forever have with me...

I am already in my 30's. 30 years of my life have already passed by in a flash! In 30 more I'll be in my 60's, 30 after that I'll be in my 90's. Yes I still have a lot of years left to live and each one is a precious gift ~ it is time to stop wishing them away.

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