Thursday, November 13, 2008

I Like Your Style

Those are the words that were spoken to me by a bank teller today as I was doing a transaction "I like your style", a compliment paid to my by an innocent stranger. It is amazing how something as simple as a compliment from a stranger can brighten your day...

I have been wondering lately "Am I still cool?" If I think about it I don't really feel like I would classify as "cool" nor do I think I would fall into the "uncool" category. What is being cool anyways? Does that mean that you are accepted by others? Are there any other perks that come along with the title of being cool? Do I even really care about being cool?

My favourite clothes are ones that are comfortable. Sure I love to look great but I don't love spending hours on putting myself together every morning so I don't. I'm sure that if Stacy and Clinton from "What Not To Wear" saw me walking down the street that they would have something to say, but couldn't they find something to say about the way everyone dresses? Who makes the rules regarding how we should dress anyways? The fashionistas in Paris? Have you seen what they wear to some of the fashion shows? I wouldn't be caught dead in some of those outfits! I can't say that I'm up on the latest fashion trends. I like track pants when I get home and no they are not Loulou Lemon ~ I much prefer to have that money in my wallet... Many of my work clothes are from Banana Republic which I love, but have you noticed that "work clothes" are not the most comfortable garments to wear?! I'm also struggling with the fact that most of my pants are too long for me ~ the reason being is because when I was in my 20's I did wear heels and stilettos to work every day. I fooled myself into thinking that I could walk better in heels than in flats because I was so used to wearing them. I am more honest with myself though now that I am in my 30's. Stilettos are not comfortable, flats can be cute but never sexy, and I have 1 pair of feet that I would like to have function for the next 50 years! I have seen the toes of some old ladies and yuck! (no offense), I would rather have cute / sexy feet at home, in bed ;o) with my partner rather than cramming my feet into uncomfortable shoes and hiding them under my desk where no one can see them anyways!

As for the music I listen to, I suppose you can classify it as top 20's mainstream genre ~ is that a type of music classification? ha ha I have never really been into music. I have always listened to it but I can never tell you the title of a song or who the artist is who sings it. I have listened to country, rap, hip hop, opera, rock, not much of a fan of jazz...I basically listen to it all but I wouldn't say that I'm into one type more than others. Top 20's work just fine for me. My Mom listens to a music station that plays mostly 'oldies', I wonder though if I were to ask her if she would classify that music as 'oldies'. I am sure she, like me, hears a song that she used to listen to in her 20's and it brings back great memories for her and she loves it today as much as she did then. I hear the same song and think "yuck! this music is so old and isn't good anyways". Is that going to happen to me too? Will my kids one day think that I am uncool?

So is that what defines being "cool" or "uncool"? The way you dress or the music you listen to? I'm honestly not sure. I like to think that classifying someone as cool or uncool is something that you do in social circles that you no longer belong to once you have reached the stage in your life where you are comfortable with yourself regardless of what others think. I am happy with myself and who I am. I have a better idea of who I am today than I did 10 or even 5 years ago ~ thank you 30's :o)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your kids will definitely think you're uncool - it doesn't matter what you do. My dad was the cool dad, he really was, and everyone else loved him. I just thought he was so embarrassing. There's no way to please adolescent girls.

The good news is that you can kind of relish the uncoolness of parenting. You can't do anything but surrender to the humour of the situation, so you might as well enjoy it. And take lots of photos to embarrass the kids with later. :-)