Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Suck It Up and Deal With It!

Never in my life have I been told to "suck it up and deal with it!" but those are the words that I needed to hear last night.

I have been going through a period of self-pity lately (ok, for the last 6 months) where all I have done is moped about and complained about my current work situation! I have been letting myself be miserable because I have to get up too early in the morning, my job is a bore to me, and I get home at a time of night that does not allow me much personal time before having to make dinner, do the chores around the house and go to bed so I can get back up and do it all over again!

My philosophy has typically been that if I'm not happy with something I make a change because life is too short to be unhappy! I haven't taken the time to realize that a lot of my unhappiness is in my head ~ that I am the one allowing myself to be unhappy in the situation that I am in! I needed a wake up call! I needed to be told to Suck it Up!

Some people would think that my job is great! I make a good salary, I have full health benefits, I come to work where I surf the net the entire day and then I go home. For me though it is not enough. I know that I am not living up to my potential and I am letting that get me down!

During the last recession I was in grade school, too young to understand what was going on. Between then and now I have had many jobs because as I said above as soon as I was getting bored with one I would find another one! Today things are not that easy. I have applied to positions that I have seen posted but I am not getting any calls back... I am hearing rumours of hiring freezes, layoffs and I am even watching people walk through our office door asking if we are hiring ~ I have never seen that in my working life!

I need to shift my attitude and develop an attitude of gratitude. Nothing is forever and I have a good gig right now which allows me to pay the bills and more. My loving bf and I have just purchased a house and having a steady income is much needed right now. So what if I'm tired at night, I'll simply have to make adjustments and go to bed earlier. I'll need to 'suck it up' until the holiday season has passed and the economy has started to improve when I can then refocus my job search and find something more meaningful that is closer to home. In the interim there is no reason as to why I should allow myself to be unhappy ~ things could be worse!

In my 20's I would have said 'forget this!' and I would have been out the door. Today my priorities are different and I need to adjust my thinking to a more mature level. I need to become more self aware and I need to learn to change my perspective ~ all works in progress!

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