Monday, December 8, 2008

Running Ourselves Into The Ground

Do you ever get the feeling that we are running ourselves into the ground? Okay, forget about everyone else, do you ever get the feeling that you are running yourself into the ground?

My boyfriend and I were at our first Christmas Party of the season on Friday night and every single person we spoke with had the same complaint ~ that they do not have enough time to do the things they want to do. We foolishly thought that we were the only ones working incredibly long days. As it turns out most of our friends are working long days as well and only one person there had the complaint that they have too much time! lol I can't imagine ever complaining about having too much free time! What a luxury that would be!

I am not sure what changed the rules along the way or how we came to be in this place! The work day has gotten longer as has the work week. There is the same amount of housework to do, as there has always been, when you get home at the end of the day and we do like to have some semblance of a social life ~ but how to fit it all in? You need to eat properly and get enough exercise to stay healthy but I haven't yet figured out where the time for that comes in and your family and friends will give you grief if you do not find the time to fit them in ~ and yes I do mean exactly that because in order to find time to spend with others we are typically sacrificing doing something for ourselves...

We are getting ready to move into a new house in the spring of '09 ~ our first house actually and we are both over the top excited! We bought a new house so we have been able to watch it go up step by step, it is very exciting! Our new house is a 20 min drive north from where we currently live which will add an additional 40 min round-trip to our current commute to work. I am flexible in that I am going to look for, and land, a job closer to home! My bf really does enjoy his job, and he works for a great company, so he is going to try the 'extended' commute. Hopefully with mine being reduced I'll be able to pick up some additional chores around the house to help him out... Let's just hope that we are able to find a balance so we don't run ourselves into the ground!

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